bob & penny

Bob and Penny are the Executive Directors of Oasis, a ministry of Power to Change providing spiritual and emotional support to pastors, missionaries, and Christian leaders working through the challenges of ministry. Married for 29 years and having 3 sons, 2 married and 1 pursuing his music career, they have served in various capacities in The Salvation Army: pastors, church planters, hospital chaplains, counsellors, facilitators of reconciliation, and marriage retreat leaders.

Through the Salvation Army’s Emergency Response Ministry they served as Directors of Spiritual/Emotional Care in New York following 911 and Biloxi, Mississippi following Hurricane Katrina. They were also part of the Spiritual/Emotional Care team serving in Salmon Arm and Kelowna during the Okanagan Fires.

Each holds a Master of Arts degree in counselling, is a Registered Clinical Counsellor and they share authorship of the ‘Couple Care Marriage Preparation Manual’ (over 5000 individuals have used this resource in their marriage preparation), ‘Along The Way’ (a book encouraging healthy relationships for couples already along the way on their marriage journey), and ‘Broken Church Restored’— A systematic approach of applying spiritual first-aid to broken churches in need of healing (the step by step process they took a broken congregation through toward healing).

Bob Armstrong, MA, RCC

Penny Armstrong, MA, RCC



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“The Armstrong’s have developed a very useful, practical tool for guiding couples toward marriage. I am finding the manual helpful in marriage counseling that I am doing with college students who are seeking to lay a strong Christian foundation for their lives together. I recommend this work to the pastoral counseling practitioner who wants solid assistance in being comprehensive and at the same time down to earth in working with engaged couples.”
- Dr. Jonathan Raymond, Ph.D. President, Trinity Western University, Langley, BC.

“Everyone wants an amazing love relationship.  Getting there through a great marriage takes commitment, patience, sacrifice, a lot of support, and a solid spiritual foundation.  I recommend The Couple Care Marriage Preparation Manual as a resource for pastors and mentors who want to prepare couples for marriage through Christ centered instruction and discovery.  Bob & Penny Armstrong have leveraged their marriage and parent experience with their pastor and counsellor wisdom to give us a practical and valuable tool for guiding couples toward an amazing marriage!”
- Steve Berg, Former Conference Minister for the BCMB/Current