Couple Care is also available in Spanish

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“Bob and Penny are wise and trusted trail guides on the road of marital preparation and relational health. They model what they teach and they have the experiences and the credentials to speak with both authority and authenticity about this subject. I have used their marriage materials and them as a resource in many settings and highly value their candor, their humour and their ability to unpack issues that lead to deep and meaningful conversations and growth in marriages and pre-marital couples. I find the Couple Care Marriage Preparation Manual to be an effective tool and resource in my own personal marriage counseling and pre-marital preparation.”
- Pastor Brad Sumner, Jericho Ridge Community Church (MB), Langley, BC

“The Armstrong’s have developed a very useful, practical tool for guiding couples toward marriage. I am finding the manual helpful in marriage counseling that I am doing with college students who are seeking to lay a strong Christian foundation for their lives together. I recommend this work to the pastoral counseling practitioner who wants solid assistance in being comprehensive and at the same time down to earth in working with engaged couples.”
- Dr. Jonathan Raymond, Ph.D. President, Trinity Western University, Langley, BC.